How do I migrate from

Migrating your account to Reviewshake from is a simple process, and we're here to help every step of the way.

1. Sign up for an account

Start by signing up for an account on our website - we offer a 2-week free trial to ensure that you're comfortable with our service before making the jump. We encourage you to create your review sources and try the landing pages, widgets, and other functionality you are currently using with to ensure that we're a good fit.

Our trial is only available for company accounts at this point, not agency functionality. With that said, the main difference between these accounts is the ability to manage multiple clients from the same dashboard - the fundamental functionality is the same.

2. What do I need to think about?

If you're happy thus far, there are a number of aspects you need to think about for your migration:

  • Landing page URL structure
    • You have already shared the landing page URLs with your clients, and they're embedded in their existing marketing materials, such as emails and print. Given that we use the same URL structure as, these URLs do not need to be updated!
  • Widget (review stream) update
    • With that said, our widget structure is different, so part of the migration process will involve switching out the old widget code on your clients' websites for the code provided by our system.
  • DNS update
    • Should you be running your account on a custom domain, we recommend that you update the TTL on the DNS record pointing at their servers to be as low as possible. In some cases, this could be 300 seconds (5 minutes). This ensures that the DNS propagation once you switch your DNS to our servers will happen as quickly as possible, resulting in very little downtime for your clients.

3. Migrate your account

If you have more than 20 seats, we recommend reaching out to us, so our Support team can help you process the migration for a minimal fee. Get in touch if you need a quote or guidance in migrating your account.

4. Cancel your account

Once you've migrated your clients across to Reviewshake and switched your DNS across to our servers, our servers will start serving the requests. It's now safe to cancel your account - just remember to do so before the 1st of every month to avoid being billed double!

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