How do Facebook permissions work?

When you add a Facebook review source with the Grant access method or enable social sharing to Facebook, we need you to give us permission to manage a given page (or pages) in your Facebook account.

When you click the Continue with Facebook button, we take you to Facebook for this purpose, and Facebook asks you which page(s) you want to give us access to:

You can either choose to provide us access to All Pages or select the specific page you would like us to use.

Common issues

1. Multiple clients

In the case that you have multiple clients and are granting access to manage their Facebook pages through one Facebook account, you should select the All Pages option when you see the step above.

This is because we receive access from one Facebook app, so if you first grant access to page X for one client and then page Y for another client, we will lose access to that page X.

2. Not all pages populate in Reviewshake

  1. Go to Settings and Privacy from your Facebook profile (using the dropdown in the top-right)
  2. Select Settings
  3. Click Business Integrations from the left sidebar.
  4. Select & remove the 'Online Reviews' integration.
  5. Go back to your Reviewshake dashboard and grant the authorization again.
  6. Your pages should now all show up.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions about this setup or need additional assistance.

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