Add customers from your dashboard

You have two options when adding customers from your dashboard: adding them individually or in bulk by uploading a CSV file.

Add customers one-by-one

To add a single customer, click "Generate Reviews" on your admin dashboard. Next, enter the customer's name and email address or name and phone number, depending on the invitation channel you would like to use. Once the details are provided, select the campaign that you would like to use to add the customer to a campaign. You can also view the schedule and the preview of the messages using the "Preview Invitation" button.

Add customers in bulk (CSV)

Adding customers in bulk is useful when you have > 10 customers or are uploading customer lists regularly. You can create a new customer list by visiting Engagement and then Customer lists in your menu.

You will be asked for the following:

  1. A name for your customer list

  1. Uploading your CSV file

  1. Matching the columns in your CSV to fields in Reviewshake (such as an email)

  1. Confirm the import to start the import process.

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